Who works there?
It is sometimes confusing to understand all of the professionals who work in mental health treatment. Many of the professionals who work at our clinic complete similar roles in addition to specific tasks that are sometimes reserved for certain professions.
The clinic has a multidisciplinary group of social workers, registered nurse, and an occupational therapist. Many of the staff perform similar services such as completing assessments, providing treatments, and participating in service planning. Some service providers have specific expertise in certain assessment and treatment procedures. As a result, certain staff may be involved in particular patient services depending on their expertise and availability.
The clinic has access to a registered dietitian who provides consultation services and brief treatments. Because some psychiatric medications impact the way in which our bodies process sugar (glucose), blood fats (lipids & triglycerides), and weigh gain (or loss) - the dietitian is valuable in helping clients with these problems. As well, some psychiatric problems have an impact on food consumption which may require specific Dietitian intervention or consultation.
Consulting Psychiatrists
Psychiatrists are Medical Doctors who are specialists in mental health. Psychiatrists have completed at least five (5) additional years of training in psychiatry past medical school. Generally, the role of the consulting psychiatrists at the clinic is to review assessment and consultation information to determine psychiatric diagnosis and consult on treatment. Psychiatrists will also provide consultation to other professionals at the clinic to determine potential medical problems that appear to be psychiatric disorders - as well - they provide direction about the use of psychiatric medications. Psychiatrists may order laboratory investigations (bloodwork, imaging scans) as needed to assist in determining a diagnosis and any complicating medical disorders.
Consulting psychiatrists at the clinic generally do not provide psychotherapy to our clients; however, they are involved in planning clinic services and occasionally participate in running group treatments.
Consulting psychiatrists may supervise medical students, physician assistants, and psychiatry residents (medical doctors training to be psychiatrists) who provide care to patients at the clinic as well.