Helpful Apps
NRT on Demand (iOS) Click
NRT on Demand (Android) Click
Niagara Region NRT OnDemand. This is a pilot project for West Niagara allowing rideshare through vehicles. Fares are $3 for trips within your municipality (available to residents of Grimsby, Lincoln and Pelham) $6 for trips to other communities (available to residents of Grimsby, Lincoln, Pelham, Wainfleet and West Lincoln)
Tec Tec is a game that helps to reduce self injury just by playing it (iOS - Apple Version)
Android Version at Amazon
This is a researched application that is a simple matching game
Mindfulness Coach iOS (created by the USA Veterans Affairs [VA])
This app helps to practice mindfulness and track your progress
Mindfulness practice can helpful in emotional balance, anxiety, depression, and coping with chronic pain
CBT-i Coach for iOS and Android (created by the USA Veterans Affairs [VA])
Cognitive Behavioral Treatment for sleep disorders
To be used in conjunction with therapist treatment guidance
ACT (Acceptance and Commitment) Treatment for IOS and Android (created by the USA Veterans Affairs [VA])
ACT aims to help live with unpleasant thoughts, feelings, and impulses without avoiding them or being controlled by them
To be used in conjunction with therapist treatment guidance
Anger and irritability Management Skills (AIMS) for iOS and Android (created by the USA Veterans Affairs [VA])
Aimed to help anyone coping with problems.
Based on the Online Self-Help Course
Prolonged Exposure (PE) Coach for PTSD for iOS and Android (created by the USA Veterans Affairs [VA])
This is designed to be used during therapy for PTSD with a health professional trained in PE
PTSD Family Coach for iOS and Android (created by the USA Veterans Affairs [VA])
PTSD coach is for family members of those living with PTSD
OhMD Health Texting (only for patients enrolled in DBT)
iOS Version
Andoid Version
NOTE: Apps here are not endorsed by West Lincoln Memorial Hospital (WLMH/WNMH) or Hamilton Health Sciences. Applications do not replace the treatment provided by a competent mental health provider.